Destination Europa

This is the navigation page for my serial, Destination Europa. I expect it to have around 22 chapters, but the exact number depends on how things go as I write! New episodes generally drop on Fridays, though sometimes circumstances may force changes in the schedule.

The R.G. Leifr, flagship of the FSS colonisation fleet, is en route to Europa with a hundred and twenty souls on board — crew and colonists preparing to pioneer humanity’s most ambitious settlement project yet. Yet as Jupiter draws closer, tensions are rising and strange things are beginning to happen. Habitat engineer Aquilla O’Neill has to navigate the fraught relationship between Earther and Martian factions, as well as his own mission — and his own broken heart. Can he find the answers he needs, and will the Leifr arrive at its destination?

Chapter 1

Chapter 2: An Unplanned Trip

Chapter 3: Inputs and Outputs

Chapter 4: The Farm

Chapter 5: Optics

Chapter 6: Forward

Chapter 7: Small-but-Finite Probabilities

Chapter 8: Printing Problems

Chapter 9: Fellowship

Chapter 10: The Game

Chapter 11: Resolution

Chapter 12: Log Files

Chapter 13: Water

Chapter 14: The Stakeout

Chapter 15: A Conversation

Chapter 16: - The Writing on the Wall

Chapter 17: Code

Chapter 18: A New Hypothesis

Chapter 19: The Millstone

Chapter 20: Gravity

Chapter 21: - coming Friday 20th September

Cover image of Jupiter © National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, with colour modification by S.D.G. Lemaître.